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Your authorization has expired

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  • Your authorization has expired

    Hello, I get the message: Your authorization has expired. Please reconnect your account in the Blog2Social network settings.
    I have reconnected using my Facebook account. I have followed the steps in the Things to Check list. Please help me.

  • #2
    Hello John,

    Thank you so much for reaching out and thanks for describing your request.

    Would you please be so kind as to answer a few short questions so I could look further into this for you?

    Did you refresh your connection, or did you remove the connected and then readded it in the network overview in Blog2Social?
    If you refreshed the connection, it would be helpful if you could try to remove it and reconnect it right afterward.

    Did you add a Facebook profile, a Facebook page or a Facebook group in Blog2Social?
    These details would be very helpful in order to be able to look further into this for you.

    Thank you for your understanding.
    I am looking forward to your reply.

    Best regards


    • #3
      Thank you Alejandro. Yes, I did all that you say. I refreshed the connection, then I removed it and added it. I added a Facebook page in Blog2Social but I still get the same message when I try to share.


      • #4
        Hello John,

        Thank you so much for your reply and thanks for this feedback.

        In order to post to your Facebook page, in some cases you will have to adjust the posting rules in the settings of your Facebook page.
        If you can’t see or connect your Facebook pages, this is most likely due to missing rights.

        The settings for Facebook pages can be quite tricky sometimes because some pages are connected to your Facebook profile and some pages are connected or additionally connected to the Facebook Business Manager, where rights and roles can be assigned for each page and each user.

        But rest assured. So far we were able to solve every issue with Facebook pages.
        If you still cannot post to your page please check the app settings of Blog2Social on Facebook.

        To do so you can use the following link:

        or click on

        "Settings & Privacy" -> "Settings" -> "Business Integrations" in your Facebook profile.

        After that you'll see the Blog2Social app and you can click on "View and edit" to check the settings.

        If this still does not work, the page is probably connected to a Facebook Business Manager. You can check in the Business Manager to see if you have the required rights to post on this page. Or, if the Business Manager is managed by someone else, ask the administrator of the Business Manager to check the roles and rights for this page.

        The following step-by-step guide will show you how to configure and connect Facebook pages in Blog2Social:
        I connected my Facebook page, but I still cannot post to that page. What can I do?

        Please be so kind as to check the recommended steps and guides and feel free to let me know if the suggested solutions solved your request or if you require further assistance regarding this matter.

        Thank you for your understanding.
        I am looking forward to your reply.

        Best regards


        • #5

          I have just started getting a message under Business/Instragam that my authorisation has expired. Please reconnect your account in theBlog2Social network settings. I have tried but still get the same error message. Can you help please?



          • #6
            Hello again Alexander. I am sorry to say that I was not clear in my original message. I get the authorization message about my Instagram business account, not about my facebook account. Please help! I have followed all of the advice available.


            • #7
              I am having the same problem. I have tried all of the suggestions and nothing is working. Please help.


              • #8

                Thank you all for reaching out and thanks for describing your requests.

                Please note that the Instagram interface has been adjusted recently and is currently being reviewed and updated by the IT experts of Blog2Social. There might be temporary interruptions affecting the Instagram network posts.

                We are working hard to make the connection available for you again.
                Rest assured, we will find a solution for you and get back to you as soon as possible.

                Thank you for your patience and understanding.

                Best regards


                • #9

                  Thank you all for your patience and understanding

                  According to the check of the IT experts of Blog2Social:
                  Facebook has made changes to their security algorithm for Instagram in the background, and as a result, some users may now have to reset their Facebook connection to Instagram.

                  For this case, we have extended the displayed error messages in Blog2Social.

                  If you faced the following notification:
                  “We don't have your permission to publish the post. Please check your authorization."

                  You should try the following solutions:
                  1. User needs to ensure that if a Facebook page account uses 2FA authentication, then the connected Instagram Business account has to also use 2FA authentication.
                  2. If the password has been reset by Facebook for security reasons, you should reset it and reconnect your account in Blog2Social afterward.

                  If you can confirm both of these points, but you still are unable to publish content on Instagram, you can proceed with the following steps in order to reset and reconvert your Instagram Business account:

                  The following step-by-step guide will show you how to solve all common issues related to missing permission issues that can occur while posting/connecting to Instagram:
                  Connecting Instagram - Things to check

                  To resolve the behavior you have mentioned, you should try the recommended steps:
                  6. Reset the connection to your Facebook page
                  7. Reset your Instagram settings

                  These two steps solve the error notification that is shown by Blog2Social as a response send by the official API in relation to your account and the linked Facebook page.

                  If this did not resolve the case as expected, you can also proceed with this step:
                  • Re-converting your Instagram account to a personal account and then back to an Instagram Business account
                  The following instructions will show you how to convert your personal profile:
                  How to convert your Personal Instagram Profile into a Business Account

                  Please let me know afterward if the mentioned solutions solved your request or if you require further assistance regarding this matter.

                  Thank you for your understanding.
                  I am looking forward to your reply.

                  Best regards
                  Last edited by Blog2Social Support; 11-22-2021, 03:30 PM.


                  • #10

                    I have tried most of these things without success. How do I reset the connection to my facebook though as I cannot see how to do this



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Graham View Post

                      I have tried most of these things without success. How do I reset the connection to my facebook though as I cannot see how to do this

                      Hello Graham,

                      Thank you so much for your reply and thanks for this feedback.

                      Please note that it is essential to follow and proceed with the mentioned steps in the correct series in order to re-create a working Instagram Business Account authentication.

                      Please be so kind as to retry and refollow the recommended solutions. This behavior is only occurring due to changes on the Facebook/Instagram platforms and is not caused by Blog2Social. Therefore, no other settings can be adjusted within Blog2Social that could also resolve this behavior except the previously mentioned steps.

                      If you can confirm these steps and the behavior is still occurring, you could provide us with the following details, so we could check internal log files for the API response that was sent while you tried to authenticate.

                      If so, please provide:
                      1. Date and time when the post was published
                      2. Your Instagram account name

                      Thank you for your understanding.
                      I am looking forward to your reply.

                      Best regards


                      • #12
                        Hi Alexander

                        I have been through the process again as described but still get the error message

                        The blog was posted today 24/11 at 1147 am and account name is grayshottcc

                        Many thanks


                        • #13
                          Hello Graham,

                          Thank you for providing the requested details and information.

                          I have forwarded them to the IT experts at Blog2Social so that this case and the noticed behavior can be investigated further.
                          As soon as new information about this case is available, we will be very happy to inform you immediately.

                          Thank you for your patience and understanding.

                          Best regards


                          • #14
                            Hi Alexander

                            Any update on my problem please



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Graham View Post
                              Hi Alexander

                              Any update on my problem please

                              Hello Graham,

                              Thank you so much for your reply.

                              The Blog2Social IT experts are still looking for a suitable way of troubleshooting the occurring behavior.
                              Internal logs were extended in order to investigate this case further for all Blog2Social users that are affected by the recent Facebook changes.

                              Rest assured, as soon as new information will be available we will contact you as soon as possible.

                              Thank you for your patience and understanding.

                              Best regards

