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Scheduled posts are being autoposted twice.

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  • Scheduled posts are being autoposted twice.

    Please help and provide with solutions. I am having duplicates in my social media posts because somehow the autopost feature is doing it twice.
    I suspect it happens when I update/edit my scheduled post? I am not sure. But please let me know why is it happening?
    Thank you.

  • #2
    don't worry, this issue can be resolved easily. In the autoposter settings, you can define whether to post new posts or new and updated posts. Please check whether you have ticked updated posts. This might be the reason.

    You will find detailed information in the Autoposter instructions:

    Please let us know if this solved your issue.

    Beste regards
    Your Blog2Social Team


    • #3
      Hello, thank you for the response.

      This is my Autopost settings:

      Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	97
Size:	38.3 KB
ID:	8052

      I haven't enabled autoposting on any checkbox under "updated posts" at all.​


      • #4
        Thank you for reaching out and providing detailed information about the issue you're facing with Blog2Social on your website.

        Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot:
        1. System Requirements: Blog2Social has specific system requirements to function correctly. Please review the requirements listed in our help content to ensure your setup meets them: System Requirements for Blog2Social.
        2. Troubleshooting with WordPress Plugin: You can use the WordPress troubleshooting plugin to temporarily deactivate all other plugins. This will help determine if there's a conflict with another plugin. If Blog2Social works after deactivating other plugins, you can then reactivate them one by one to identify the problematic plugin. Here's the link to the troubleshooting plugin: WordPress Health Check & Troubleshooting Plugin.
        We genuinely hope these tips help you resolve the issue.
        Best regards,


        • #5
          Hello Philippe,

          I have met the system requirements otherwise the auto-posting shouldn't work but in my case it only cause issue/bug when I update/edit my scheduled post.
          I will also say there is no conflict with other plugins, it does say Wordfence but like I said, the auto-posting is working fine with it (Blog2Social isn't getting firewalled),
          it's just when I edit/update scheduled post that is causing the issue.

          To help you troubleshoot what is happening on my end:
          1. When I schedule my post and I don't update or edit it, the auto-post calendar shows the correct and normal behavior.
          2. The issue happens only when I schedule my post and I edit or update it, then somehow the calendar shows twice the auto-post count.

          Here is my calendar:

          Click image for larger version

Name:	b2social.png
Views:	100
Size:	55.4 KB
ID:	8059


          • #6

            Thank you for providing a detailed explanation of the issue you're facing. I understand the inconvenience this might be causing you, especially when updating scheduled posts.

            To better assist you, I have a couple of suggestions and questions:
            1. When you need to make updates to a scheduled post, could you try making the changes directly within the Blog2Social interface instead of updating the article in WordPress? This might help in ensuring that the auto-post calendar behaves as expected.
            2. When you update a post in WordPress, please check if the Blog2Social autoposter is activated in the right-hand menu. This could be a factor in the behavior you're observing.
            3. It would be beneficial for our troubleshooting if you could provide an example of the kind of updates you're making. For instance, are you changing the scheduled time, updating the content, or making other modifications?

            Your feedback will help us get to the root of the issue and provide a solution. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

            Best regards, Philippe


            • #7

              Thank you for your response.

              For point #1, may I know what you mean by "making the changes directly within the Blog2Social interface"? May I know how do I achieve this?

              For point #2, I believe the Blog2Social auto-poster is activated in the right-hand menu in my scheduled post. Do I need to turn that off for scheduled post? If I turned that off, won't it disable
              the auto-posting?

              For point #3, the kind of updates I am making are just simple content edits, like updating wrong URLs, removing/updating paragraphs, something like that. Just simple edits. Nothing being changed
              in the post settings or outside the contents of the posts.


              • #8

                Thanks for your reply.

                May I ask you which version of Blog2Social you are currently using?
                Please make sure that version 7.3.1 is installed.

                It also would be great if you could send me the text-file of your Troubleshooting-Tool in Blog2Social via private message.
                This tool shows you conflicts, for example, with other plugins which could cause issues.
                How to check your blog settings with the Troubleshooting-Tool

                I’m looking forward to your reply.

                Best regards



                • #9
                  Hello and good day!

                  I sent you the text file result from Troubleshooting-Tool.
                  Also I am using version 7.3.1 already.

