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Getting strange Post date on autoposting - 1970/01/01

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  • Blog2Social Support
    Hello Matthew,

    Thanks for your feedback.

    Since I cannot reproduce this behavior in a clean test environment it seems to be related to your website / plugins.
    Is it possible that you are using plugins to manipulate the calendar function?

    I would also recommend checking your date/time settings. Please check your general timezone settings in WordPress (“Settings” -> “General” -> “Timezone”) as well as your timezone settings in Blog2Social (“Blog2Social” -> “Settings” -> “General”).

    Please let me know if it worked out or if you have any other questions.

    Best regards


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  • Matthew
    Ok...NOW....I think I have figured it out. I was attempting to post at 00:00 (12:00 am). When I did that, the posting date went to January 1, 1970. Then I tried: 00:15 am...with the same result. But if I put in 12:15 am, then I get the correct date as the posting time. I am rectifying the problem by scheduling all blog posts for 12:15 am...and hopefully, the posts will go out as desired

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  • Matthew
    Nope. Still not working consistently. Not sure what is going on.

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  • Matthew
    I believe I have found the problem...and it appears to be a bug in Blog2Post. When I schedule a post to be posted at 12:00 am on any date, it shows up as "January 1, 1970"; if i change the time to 12:15 am, the post is scheduled on the correct date at 12:15 am. I tried all the plugins/shut them down. didn't fix. What worked was to change time from 12:00 to 12:15 am.

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  • Matthew
    Have used the Health Check and Troubleshooting. Disabled the various plugins...and get the same result : January 1, 1970 as the post date. I would very much like to use Blog2Social, but as it stands, it is not working.

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  • Blog2Social Support
    Hello Matthew,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    The scheduled date "1970/01/01" seems to be caused by another plugin on your website.
    Is it possible that you are using plugins to manipulate the calendar function?

    An easy way to check if another plugin is causing this on your website is to use the “Health Check & Troubleshooting” plugin from WordPress.
    This plugin is intended for such cases and will perform a number of checks on your WordPress installation to detect common configuration errors and known issues, and also allows plugins and themes to add their own checks.
    With the “Health Check & Troubleshooting” plugin you can simulate to deactivate all plugins except Blog2Social and activate one after the other to see which plugin causes your request.

    I’m looking forward to your reply.

    Best regards


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  • Getting strange Post date on autoposting - 1970/01/01

    Trying to get auto post to work. Failing. Although the scheduled date chosen is current, for example, today is January 5, 2023, the post after hitting the post button shows the post date as "1970/01/01". Can't figure out how to fix.