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Can't see my dashboard or calendar?

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  • Can't see my dashboard or calendar?

    Every time I try to see my scheduled posts or check my dashboard it gives me an error message. I've tried everything and I'm sure it's a simple fix, but I'm lost

    This site can’t be reached

    The web page at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

    Tameka's Take - Check out all of our latest news on album release dates and upcoming movies and tv series. Tameka's Take

  • #2
    How much php. memory does this need to open up my calendar and stuff. I keep getting error.


    • #3

      Thank you so much for reaching out and thanks for describing your request.

      The error notification you are currently facing seems to be envrionment related and is not caused by the Blog2Social plugin.

      The following step-by-step guide will show you how to adjust missing system requirements if your website is currently not fulfilling the minimum requirements of Blog2Social:
      System requirements for installing Blog2Social

      Please try to increase the memory limit > 128M.

      a) in wp-config.php File (in root folder of WordPress) define ("WP_MEMORY_LIMIT", "256M"); //512M (M=MEGABYTE) Minimum 128M
      b) in .htaccess File (in root folder of WordPress): "php_value memory_limit 256M" c) in php.ini File (in Apache Folder): "memory_limit=256M"

      An overload or lack of server capacity can cause the social media settings widget in the “Social Media Scheduling & Sharing" overview or the Blog2Social dashboard to load very slowly or not load at all.

      If your website is hosted on a server with low server capacity, you can turn on the Blog2Social Legacy Mode to reduce server load. In Legacy Mode, the plugin will load contents one after the other (asynchronous loading) instead of loading all at once. Some web hosting services also limit the number of outgoing connections. In this case, the Legacy Mode makes sure that connections to your social media accounts are loaded successively.

      To activate Legacy Mode, go to “Blog2Social -> Settings -> General -> System” and tick the box saying “activate Legacy Mode”.

      Please adjust these points within your envrionment and retry to reach your dashboard. If this also fails, you should try to disable your other plugins (one at a time) in order to detect which plugin/setting could be causing this behavior.

      Thank you for your understanding.
      I am looking forward to your reply.

      Best regards

