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Problem with permission to post to group

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  • Problem with permission to post to group

    I allways get the error "Wir haben nicht Deine Erlaubnis, den Post zu veröffentlichen. Bitte überprüfe deine Autorisierung." when I try to post to a group,
    i reconnected serval times, but it does not help. What can I do?

  • #2

    Thank you so much for reaching out and thanks for describing your request.

    You can connect any Facebook group to your Blog2Social you are an admin or a member of.

    To connect Blog2Social with Facebook public groups, please go to "networks" within your Blog2Social Dashboard.
    Do you face this behavior with all posts to your Facebook group in general? Or can some posts be published?

    Please be so kind as to recheck all requirements at:
    How to connect and automatically post to Facebook groups

    Section: How do I add the Blog2Social app to Facebook groups on Facebook?
    Please note: Group administrators need to add third-party apps in the group settings.

    Please add the Blog2Social app to the group settings of your own groups.

    If you want to post to a group you are a member of, please ask your group administrator to add the Blog2Social app to the group settings.
    If this fails you can try the following steps to fix the occurring behavior:

    Please be so kind as to proceed with the following steps:
    • Remove the Facebook group from the Blog2Social networks overview.
    • Switch to the Facebook group settings and navigate to the App settings.
    • Remove the Blog2Social App and re add it once again afterward, and make sure to grant any required permission/rights in the settings to allow post submission.
    • Re-connect your Facebook group in the network overview in Blog2Social.
    • Re-try the sharing process to the group in question.
    If these solutions do not work as intended, it would be required to recheck all group settings and your rights management in order to allow the plugin to work as intended.
    Thank you for your effort and understanding.

    Feel free to let me know if you have any other questions or suggestions about Blog2Social.

    Best regards


    • #3
      ok, i deleted all, added the blog2social fb app manually to the group and connected it again. Now it says "Dein Post ist vom Netzwerk nicht veröffentlicht worden. Bitte beachte die folgende Anleitung." - Post could not be published from the Network. I can't find this error message on the manual


      • #4
        Click image for larger version

Name:	111.png
Views:	92
Size:	67.7 KB
ID:	4372

        The App is having all needed rights to publish


        • #5

          Thank you for your reply and thanks for providing this feedback.

          Would you please be so kind as to provide us with the WordPress link of the post that you wanted to share on Facebook?

          Please also attach the Facebook group URL and it would be helpful if you could provide us with the generated troubleshooting-tool .txt Log file, so I could look further into this for you and check your WordPress website environment if using this solution does not resolve the case as expected.

          You will find the Troubleshooting-Tool by following this path:
          Your WordPress installation -> Blog2Social -> Help & Support -> Troubleshooting-Tool

          Make sure to provide us with these details via a private message in the community in order to protect your privacy.

          Thank you for your understanding.
          I am looking forward to your reply.

          Best regards

