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submit button not working?

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  • submit button not working?

    Hi Admin, i want to share my content to my social network, but i click the submit button, nothing happen. been trying for few days.. same..

    i disable all plugins and try.. same effect too.

  • #2
    Hello Shawn,

    Thank you so much for reaching out and thanks for describing your request.
    There are multiple options that could cause such a behavior.

    Have you tried to turn off your active browser extensions in case one is causing an incompatibility?
    You could also try to use a private/ incognito tab in your browser in order to see if this resolves the case of viewing the page without active add-ons.

    Since I cannot reproduce your described behavior in a clean test environment it seems to be caused somewhere on your website (for example, by other plugins or themes). An easy way to check if another plugin is causing this on your website is to use the “Health Check & Troubleshooting” plugin from WordPress.

    This plugin is intended for such cases and will perform a number of checks on your WordPress installation to detect common configuration errors and known issues, and also allows plugins and themes to add their own checks.

    With the “Health Check & Troubleshooting” plugin you can simulate to deactivate all plugins except Blog2Social and activate one after the other to see which plugin is causing this.​

    Please be so kind as to let me know afterward which extension or external WordPress plugin was causing this behavior in your environment.
    I am looking forward to your reply.

    Best regards


    • #3
      i turn off ALL my chrome extension... still the same..

      i disable ALL my plugins.. still the same...


      • #4
        Hello Shawn,

        Thank you so for your reply and thanks for this feedback.

        Apparently there is still something in your WordPress environment causing this behavior.

        As this behavior seems to be unusual and should not be occurring, it would be awesome if you could send us a temporary guest account with admin rights for your WordPress website, if you would like us to check this case further.

        We will, of course, treat your information as confidential. Rest assured, we will use this data for tests only.
        You can delete the account as soon as our tests are complete.

        Please be so kind as to include the login URL, login name and password of the WordPress environment if you are interested in this troubleshooting suggestion.
        Please also make sure to provide us with the requested data via a private message in the community in order to protect your privacy.

        Thank you for your understanding and your effort.
        I am looking forward to your reply.

        Best regards

