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Telegram Authorizes but does not post

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  • Telegram Authorizes but does not post

    I setup telegram to be used with Blog2Social. Its posting to all social media account but on telegram showing error.

    Telegram We don't have the permission to publish your post. Please check your authorization.

    I have followed all steps in setting up bot then channel and everything. Tried all my best but its not getting resoled. Please help me in resolving this matter.


  • #2
    Hello Syed,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    May I ask you if your Telegram channel or group is "publically available" in order to allow the previously created bot to share content from your WordPress website?

    How do I connect my website with my Telegram Group or Telegram Channel for auto-posting?

    I’m looking forward to your reply.

    Best regards



    • #3

      Thanks for your reply, Yes I assured all settings are 100% perfect and channel/group is public. Now I deleted all created bots and channels . Tried creating fresh one . But now its not searching the name of bot I created from BotFather. Wanted to add this bot as admin to channel. Click image for larger version

Name:	Tel-23jpg.jpg
Views:	167
Size:	16.8 KB
ID:	1978

      Attached Files


      • #4
        Hello Syed,

        Thanks for your feedback.

        When checking your connection I noticed that you tried to connect the Telegram account “”.
        Please be so kind as to delete your Telegram connection by pressing on the little trash bag icon next to it in your Blog2Social network overview and connect it afterwards again with the name “@usshoppinh”.

        Please let me know if it works for you afterwards or if you have further questions.

        Best regards



        • #5

          Appreciate your support and help. As per instruction changed the settings. But still same issue . its not posting to telegram. Please see image attached.
          Attached Files


          • #6
            Hello guys; I have the same problem, I followed all the steps and recommendations in this post and I cannot publish in telegramClick image for larger version

Name:	telegram issue.png
Views:	161
Size:	15.0 KB
ID:	1998


            • #7

              Thanks for letting us know about this.

              May I ask you if it is possible that there is a typing error in your profile name?
              Please be so kind as to delete your Telegram connection in your networks overview and try to connect it with the name “@USshopping”

              Please be so kind as to delete your Telegram connection in your networks overview and try to connect it with the name “@buscasapy”

              Please let me know if it works for you afterwards or if you have further questions.

              Best regards



              • #8
                Working!!! Tks for the support


                • #9

                  Thank you for your feedback.

                  Happy we could help you out.
                  If you have a moment, I would be greatly delighted, if you could leave us a 5-star rating on WP.

                  If you are happy with Blog2Social, tell your friends to help us spread the word.
                  Thank you so much!

                  Best regards



                  • #10
                    Thanks for your kind reply. Please note I have deleted everything . Tried creating everything fresh and new. I think I am doing mistake some where .? but not sure where.? First I created a bot from botfather in telegram. It assigned me Token key and this link Now after doing this I created a channel and once making it public, tried giving it a link , but its showing eeeor that its already taken. Now I am not sure what to do next. now. Please see attched pictures. Thanks
                    Attached Files


                    • #11

                      thank you for reaching out. Please make sure to set your Telegram channel or group as "publically available" in order to allow the previously created bot to share content from your WordPress website. Add the newly created bot to the desired Telegram channel or group as an admin. Just search for the name you have choosen for your bot. Enter your Telegram channel or group name and the generated 46 characters bot token that you received from the Botfather chat in Telegram inside the networks section in Blog2Social.

                      Your Telegram channel or group name should contain an “@” + the related channel or group name. You can find the link in the Telegram channel or group overview in Telegram by clicking on the top bar in your channel or group.

                      Please note: Spaces between words are equal to a “_” inside the group or channel name.

                      Now please confirm the requested authorization to complete the connection to Telegram.

                      Best regards

